Through Healthy South Texas, communities have had opportunities for academic connections, research opportunities, and community outreach and education programs. By working collectively, we have been able to expand our reach to increase program impact and create a larger footprint on the health of South Texans. The impact of Healthy South Texas programs has been demonstrated with objective, clinical meaningful measures, including improvements in body weight, blood pressure and A1c.

21,618 Clients
Medication Assistance Program clients were assisted in obtaining chronic disease medication

$211 Million
Wholesale value of medication chronic disease medications provided through medication assistance program

154,788 Participants
Youth and adult registrations for Walk Across Texas!

9 Million
Miles walked through the Walk Across Texas! program

22,327 Clients
Learning to manage diabetes through the Diabetes Education Program

12,551 Students
Learning about nutrition and being active through school gardens with Learn, Grow, Eat & GO!